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Showbox Presents
The ‘Forever’ Tour


Artist Information

EKKSTACY, the 23-year-old Vancouver-born artist, has emerged as a unique voice in the indie and post-punk scenes. After the critical success of his 2024 self-titled album, EKKSTACY made the unexpected move back to his hometown for a much-needed break from the chaotic party lifestyle that took over during his European tour. This shift marked a turning point in both his personal life and music.

On his fourth album Forever, EKKSTACY showcases a more focused, honest sound, blending crunchy guitars with raw emotion. Moving away from his previous influences like The Drums and Lil Peep, he embraced emo bands like Japandroids and Remo Drive, and overhauled his creative process by incorporating live guitar into his songwriting. The result is a cohesive, unflinching collection of songs that capture his growth as an artist. With no guest features or gimmicks, Forever marks a new chapter for EKKSTACY—an artist fully in control, confident in his sound, and more authentic than ever.

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  • Wed, July 2, 2025
  • The Showbox
  • 8:00 PM
  • $25.00
  • All Ages to Enter, 21 & Over to Drink
  • Buy Tickets